Flood and Mice
In September 2019 Australia started to burn. Nearly 5 months later the fires were down to a smoulder and covid reared its head. A year to the day that Australia went into covid lockdown, we’re flooding. To top it off, much of the farming community are experiencing a mouse plague. It’s been 18 months of…
Learn how to sleep
In 2021 I’m answering a list of weekly journal questions. Read about it here. Learned something new? What did you learn? How did it help you?Today is World Sleep Day, an annual event organized by the World Sleep Day Committee of the World Sleep Society (who knew, right). World Sleep Day is an annual event,…
Texting codes
The codes used in texting are really a new language of their own. I mean, there are the common, obvious ones like LOL (laugh out loud), BTW (by the way) and gr8 (great), but then there are the rest which become a little more obscure…unless you are a teen in which case you have already…
Gone today, here tomorrow
A surfboard lost in Tasmania in 2017 has been found in northern Queensland (it was actually found in 2018, but it has only now its made its way back to its original owner). The owner lost it when taking on a 16 metre (52 foot) wave off the south of Tasmania. Apparently he joked it…