That’s been my refrain for today. I’m absolutely exhausted and it’s been an effort to push through with everything I’ve had to do. So rather than write this blog post I’m heading to bed. Do you ever have days where everything is an effort and you just want to curl up and sleep?
Stick Library
A feel good story… a 10 year old and his Dad built stick libraries at the local dog parks in Saskatoon, Canada (they got the idea from New Zealand). The idea was to find something for pet owners to keep their dogs entertained during lockdown. No need to return, they are just there for dogs…
Operation Kangaroo
Upfront I need to say I’m an environmental scientist. I need to say that because from what I’ve heard, the things I’m about to say will upset some people, so I want to be clear I am coming from a professional perspective. Operation Kangaroo is an educational campaign being run by the Australian Government in…
Funny things kids today will never know
Recently a friend was asking on Twitter for things that are different now compared to the 1980’s: At the same time, my youngest Barbarian and I had a conversation and his analogy for a yucky noise wasn’t the familiar one. I commented and he asked, “What does nails down a blackboard sound like?” (asked without…
A to Z Challenge: Theme reveal 2021
This year I’m participating in the A to Z blogging challenge (my fifth time), which starts on April 1st. I didn’t participate last year (surprisingly not because of covid, but because I was away for the month before, leaving no prep time). I wasn’t sure if I would join in again this year, but inspiration…