A childhood memory

In 2020 I’m answering a list of 52 journal questions. Read about it here.

Share a childhood memory.
This memory popped into my head not that long ago. Not sure what triggered it – maybe Valentine’s Day? – but it made me smile.

I was in grade 5 at school (so about 10 years old) and I was passed a note as class was let out for the day. I read it as I walked. It was a few lines long, but each word had letters missing. Instead of a letter there was _ so it was a little confusing. It took me some time to decipher (all the vowels were missing – we were 10!).

I can’t remember the wording after all these years, but it was my first love letter. The boy, GD, told me how much he liked me. A huge deal in primary school.

Of course, I was thrilled at receiving the letter, but totally panicked about what to say. So I said nothing.

There is a PS to this one. Not long after the note, he changed schools, but that school only went to grade 10. So 6 years later, in grade 11, we were back in the same school. We had no classes together, but a friend of his told me GD “liked my arse” and was I interested?

So much for the romantic gestures of his youth. And for the record, this time I knew what to say… “No.”

What was your first romantic moment?

*I’m travelling at the moment with limited internet, so apologies if I’m late responding to your comments

8 comments on “A childhood memory

  1. A boy made it known he liked me when I was in Grade 5. I was horrified and didn’t know what to do. Girls started being mean to me because they liked him. He got no encouragement from me and thankfully it passed.

    What is it about grade 5 boys? LOL!


    • Not just the boys, what’s with the mean girls! Glad to know I wasn’t the only one to panic, Deb.

  2. What a sweet story, at the beginning. Sounds like he was a jerk as a teen, although, that’s pretty usual…

    • Yeah, he totally was. At our school we called them the barbie dolls and their kens (you get the picture).

  3. What a disappointment that must have been! Though perhaps the wording was his friend’s?

    • It may have been his friend, but knowing the boys, I think it would have been something very similar anyway.

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