Wourali Fast Facts:– Commonly known as curare– Made from a mix of plants– Causes paralysis– Poison used on arrows in South America– Used in the Dr X killings Curare is not a specific poison, it is actually the common name given to a mixture of various plant extracts. It is made by boiling the bark…
A to Z Challenge: V (poisons & stories of their use)
VX Fast Facts:– Stands for “venemous agent X”– A synthetic compound developed in the UK– Tasteless and odourless nerve agent– 3 micrograms/kg will kill– Used to kill Kim Jong-nam As part of research into new insecticides in the early 1950s, scientists discovered a nerve agent they dubbed VX (for venemous agent X). VX interferes with…
ANZAC Day 2021
To honour the fallen and those who served in Australia and New Zealand’s military forces help us light up the dawn.
A to Z Challenge: U (poisons & stories of their use)
Mustard Gas Fast Facts:– Also known as sulphur mustard– An organic compound: (ClCH2CH2)2S– Mustard gas is a cytotoxin– Used in chemical warfare– Garlic scent and yellow-brown colour– Fatal in less than 1% cases– Causes burns, suffocation and cancer– Precursor to development of chemotherapy Thought to have been developed in 1822, mustard gas (sulphur mustard) is…
A to Z Challenge: T (poisons & stories of their use)
Thallium Fast Facts:– “Tl” on the periodic table (atomic no.81)– Grey metal not found free in nature– Produced as byproduct from refining of heavy-metal sulfide ores– Historically used in rat poison and insecticides, now restricted/banned in many countries– Also used for ringworm and tuberculosis– Detected through hair analysis– Popular murder weapon, especially in Australia in…