For over 25 years, film critics David Stratton and Margaret Pomeranz presented At The Movies, discussing films opening in theatres that week. This week they were asked to critique the world’s least-loved year… for your amusement, here’s a review of 2020. I think 2020 is totally deserved of a rotten tomato. What do you think?
Christmas Carols
I love Christmas Carols. Traditional, modern, twisted… you name it, you’ve got me. It’s the middle of December which means I now have 10 days of unlimited Christmas carol music. You see, the rest of the family don’t love carols as much as me, so this is our deal. 355 days carol free, for my…
A story to warm the coldest heart
I saw this story on twitter this week, and at the end of a covid year I thought it needed to be shared. As Kelly Victoria (@saidthefox) said when she posted it (not expecting it to go viral): I think everyone could use a lighthearted/happy story right now. At the beginning of the pandemic I…
Zodiac Killer’s code solved
As someone with an interest in murder (I write cozies after all) it should be no surprise I had serial killers as a theme for my 2018 A to Z challenge. So it was with much interest I saw an article this week saying another of the Zodiac Killer’s code had been solved. The Zodiac…
I believe…
In 2020 I’m answering a list of 52 journal questions. Read about it here. Sum up what you believe on one page.I believe…– The cup is always half full.– A smile makes others smile.– The best thing to spend on your kids is time, not money.– It’s what’s on the inside that counts. – The…