It will only get brighter from here
Today was the winter solstice, at 8:07 pm Eastern Australia time to be exact. Today sunrise was at 7:12 am and sunset at 4:58 pm. Today was the shortest day of the year. Tomorrow the days start getting longer. Tomorrow we’ll have a smidge more daylight. Tomorrow will be colder.. That’s the problem with the…
Electric blanket
I live in the coldest capital city in Australia. Not a great spot for someone who is cold-blooded like me. I’ve survived 5 winters so far (heading into #6 in 8 days!). Each year I manage to find some little thing to make my winters that much more comfortable. Flannelette sheets for the bed or…
The anti-serial killer post
For April’s A-Z Challenge I posted about serial killers. After a month of rather grim reading I thought I should post on something a little more uplifting… A number of years ago I stumbled across a website “Sunny Skyz“. Sunny Skyz was created as a place for positive, upbeat good news stories from around the…
Wheat free recipes
Last week we learnt that our youngest Barbarian, Jeckle, has a wheat allergy. This means everything with wheat is now off the menu – and it’s amazing how many things contain wheat. Luckily he’s not coeliac, so if he does accidentally eat wheat the consequences aren’t as dire. Even so, it’s been many years of…