Sitting here at my computer, rugged up in layers with a beanie perched on my head, cup of tea permanently at my elbow, fingers struggling to overcome their sluggishness and add to my word count, I can quite honestly say: BRING ON SUMMER! (and it’s only the first day of winter…)
Shovel by Shovel
We’ve been doing some yardwork that has involved digging. My mind wandered as I shovelled dirt and I realised how much this dirty, physical, repetitive task was like writing. You see, in both you have a momentous task ahead when you start. How are you ever going to get to the end? You chip at…
My Fear of Reverse Parallel Parking
I’ve never liked to reverse parallel park and I avoid it like the plague. My preferred method of parking is to reverse park. The trouble is, I have to parallel park so rarely that when I do I’m rather shambolic at it because I can’t remember the technique I was taught those many moons ago…
No Heating Allowed
Canberra Rule #1: You aren’t a real Canberran if you turn your heating on before ANZAC Day (25th April). After we moved to Canberra in 2012, we were nervous about just how cold our first winter was going to be (freezing, if you want to know). We turned our heating on as the thermometer dipped…