To be honest, I think spelling is hugely important, but this is pretty mind boggling… Take a look at this paragraph. Can you read what it says? All the letters have been jumbled (mixed). Only the first and last letter of each word is in the right place. I cnduo’t bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty…
Bookshelf restack fail
We’ve all taken the chance during lockdown to get to some of those big jobs done that we never really get to. This was no different for a well-meaning cleaner who took the chance to do a deep clean of the closed library where she worked. Librarians at the library in Suffolk (UK) returned to…
Fictional character I’d like to be
In 2020 I’m answering a list of 52 journal questions. Read about it here. What fictional character would you most like to be?My younger teen self would have wanted to be Hermione Granger (Harry Potter by JK Rowling) Hermione owns her geekness. She sticks up for herself. She’s tough. Empathetic. She has amazing abilities and…
Book reading in lockdown
As always seems to happen in times of trouble, people are reading more in lockdown. In Canberra people are reading longer books, classics and series. Local bookstores have been taking phone and online orders and mailing the books. It seems the longer length and classic books are being read because with the extra time on…
Harry Potter virtual escape room
Looking for something to distract the kids (big and small)? Try this Harry Potter themed virtual escape room developed by a librarian in the US at Peters Township Public Library in McMurray, PA. How did you go?