Motivational Monday

If it was easy, everyone would do it rather than going around telling you their ideas and saying how they could be a writer if they had the time.
~ Arthur M. Jolly ~


8 comments on “Motivational Monday

  1. I need to steal that gif. So true.

  2. Not only telling you their ideas, but asking you to write them. I only once found someone who actually did have a good idea, but he really wasn’t a writer and knew it. I told him I valued our friendship too much to do it. Still friends, years later! He gets on with what he is good at – IT – and I can’t remember that idea now, just that it was good.

    • I think that was a clever move, Sue. I can imagine trying to do something like that could ruin a friendship.

  3. And it’s always fun when family members tell you their ideas. “Just write it for me.” Uh, no.

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