AJ Blythe has been teaching "how to write a query letter" since 2017. Her courses have been offered through RWA's Online Writing Labs (OWLs) and as conference workshops. AJ established Query Tuner in 2019 and has since helped numerous authors polish their submissions to success.

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Have a question? Use the button to contact me.
Want to purchase a critique? Contact AJ using the Query Tuner email below or via the button (include the service you want and attach your documents as .doc/x). AJ will advise feedback timelines and provide an invoice. Please note, up-front payment is required (prices in AUD).
CRAFT 101 coming in 2025
Query Tuner Packages
Query letter ........................................ $45
First 5 pages ...................................... $65
1 page synopsis ................................. $60
2 page synopsis ................................. $95
Query letter & 5 pages ....................... $95
Query letter, 5 pgs & 1pg synopsis ... $145
Query letter, 5 pgs & 2pg synopsis ... $180