11 comments on “Spring!

  1. Happy first day of spring to you!! We are three weeks away from our first day of fall lol

    • Thanks, GF. I’m glad we are on the upswing side of winter (although I know you’ll be happy you are on the downhill slide).

      We’re about to have an el nino summer though, so it is going to be very hot and very dry (which isn’t awesome as we’ve not had much rain for the last 18 months).

  2. Lol actually summer wasn’t that bad this year for me! Working inside and teaching all summer didnt give me too much hatred for the heat 😂 but fall is my favourite!! I’m already getting all my ankle boots buffed up and sprayed and ready!! Woohoo!

  3. That flower gif makes the trip over here to Australia worth it.

  4. Melbourne was very springlike yesterday, till late afternoon, when it started bucketing down. I was with my brother and sister. We had visited Dad’s grave for Father’s Day and stopped off at a pub afterwards to drink a toast in his favourite whiskey. As we got up to go, we realised it was pouring – I guess we made it just in time!

    • What a lovely way to remember your Dad on Father’s Day, Sue.

      Ah, I see Melbourne is living up to its reputation… if you don’t like the weather wait a minute *grin*

  5. lol I totally understand!

  6. Happy spring. We’re going into fall (although, around here, it’s summer 2, at least until November, probably).

    • That’s what it used to be like for us when we lived in Queensland (northeastern state of Oz). Now we live in a much colder place *sigh*

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