Many years ago (when I was on blogger) I recorded all the books I read each year (from memory, I sat around 140ish on average I think – can’t imagine I read that much now my free time is much less). That information is long gone, but I thought I might start it up again.…
Posts Tagged with cozy
I’m a Daphne finalist
I’m very excited to be able to announce that my manuscript is a finalist in the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense in the unpublished mainstream mystery/suspense category. The Daphne is run by the Kiss of Death chapter of RWA (America). Good luck to the other finalists *waving*: Liz Boeger Lis Angus Raimey…
Dream Job
In 2020 I’m answering a list of 52 journal questions. Read about it here. What is your dream job?Full time author. Although it is more than a dream, it’s a goal I am actively working towards. I will get there. I’m currently in the editing stage of my fourth novel. Covid has thrown my writing…
Miss Fisher Movie
I’m so excited!! I just saw the first preview for the upcoming Miss Fisher & the Crypt of Tears movie. I *love* the tv series Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. It’s set in Melbourne, Australia in the 1920s and is based on the books by Kerry Greenwood. I actually prefer the tv series to the books…
Too stupid to live
“Only two things are infinite-the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the universe.”… Albert Einstein I’ve been reading a lot of cozy mysteries lately. One I was reading was really enjoyable – until the main character did the unthinkable, an action whereby I decided she was *too stupid to live* (TSTL). Of…