Virus panic

…on my computer. Turns out it wasn’t a virus, thank goodness, but it’s still meant a couple of frantic days.

I was using my computer, walked away for a moment and when I returned I had a safe screen hardware scan. At the end of that I had to restore to an earlier date (no choice).

After the restart it all seemed to be working, until I tried to connect to the internet. It worked for a few minutes than no connection.

Only trouble was, my computer still thought it was connected.

Image by Darwin Laganzon from Pixabay

I tried a few obvious and then (after googling) a few not so obvious things to try and fix it. Of course, last night I had an online meeting. Had to borrow the eldest Barbarian’s chromebook.

Today I tried a few more things but ended up having to phone a tech. Luckily I got an Aussie – not sure what it is like for other countries but in Oz we seem to only get call centres based in the Philippines or India) – and after 90 minutes we had it working (thanks, Jason!).

My only positive throughout was the knowledge that I have a real-time cloud which backs up everything as I go without me doing anything. At least if I had lost anything it wouldn’t have been much (and at one point I thought I was going to have to reinstall windows, so it was a genuine possibility).

How would you survive if your computer decided to pack it in during covid?

10 comments on “Virus panic

  1. Giggling Fattie

    May 12, 2020 at 9:44 pm

    Oooo Yay!!

    I personally would DIE if my laptop decided to crash during COVID. I have a spare laptop but in my attempt to delete everything off of it I think I messed up the settings and it won’t accept my password so I can’t even log on. So that sucks. But all my work is on my laptop. I do have an old ipad that I could try to male work but making my slides for lessons would not be ok on it haha

    • I had a laptop die 2 years ago (it was only a few months old – long story, but NEVER buy Lenovo!!! Follow up support and warranty is ZIP). While that was horrid it would be far worse now for sure.

  2. Oh my goodness! After tearing my hair out and gnashing my teeth down to nubs, I probably would have done exactly what you did. We are so dependent on our electronics and the Interwebs, aren’t we?

    The first thing I did when I found out I secured my Vancouver Island apartment is set up an electricity account. The second was an internet account! I have my new modem already, and it is packed in a see-through plastic tote with the words MODEM in big black letters written on each side of the cardboard box it’s still packed in.

    Actually, now that I am thinking about it, I think I might take it in my hand luggage instead as my furnishings and boxes won’t arrive for the first few days or (gasp!) weeks. 🙂

    Picture me sitting cross-legged on the bare floor, blogging away…with the only other item in the whole apartment being my modem. LOL!


    • Deb, now when I see your next blog post I am going to be imagining exactly that!!

  3. Not the blue screen of death!!!

    Glad you got it restored. Scary stuff. We get the call centers in India, too. And the Philippines. I think they’re world-wide at this point.

    • It’s funny how it sends you (at least me) into an immediate state of panic and stress. Shows how much we rely on our devices these days.

      So we all suffer with off-shore call centres. During covid, many of the call centres in the Philippines had to close due to their lockdown. Telstra (our major phone provider) have reported improved customer satisfaction because of the temporary opening of Aussie call centres. But that’s the catch “temporary”. They say, even though customer satisfaction with customer service is high, they are going back to overseas call cetnres when they can *sigh*.

  4. Giggling Fattie

    May 13, 2020 at 7:41 am

    Oh for sure so much worse now! I bought an Asus from the advice of my brother in September. So happy cos I love it! Im so happy its working well during this time

    • I’ve got a Dell (which was the brand I had before the Lenovo). Loved it last time and am loving it again.

  5. Giggling Fattie

    May 13, 2020 at 8:24 am

    Yay!! Ive heard good things about Dell

  6. I pretty much would jump out of the second story window. I have lots of backups but nothing is like the original. Glad you’re worked out!

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