Wow, doesn’t time fly. Life has been really full on – I meant to post a “taking a break” note to the blog, but I guess I didn’t. Even more embarrassing, I thought it had only been a month since my last post, but turns out it’s been a wee bit longer than that. Ooops! Time certainly got away from me.

I wish I could tell you I’ve been off on an exciting adventure, but sadly that isn’t the case. As it does for all of us at times, I just had too many balls in the air and a few came tumbling down and something had to give. Actually, a few things had to give, and one of those things was my blog.
I have really missed it, to the extent I’ve composed many a blog post in my head (but I was never near my computer to actually post at the time). I can’t promise I will be regular for the next little bit; I still have a few extra balls in the air I am trying to keep there, but I will do my best.
I’ll share a few things that have been going on in my life over the next little bit. What’s been happening with you over the last month or so?
April 23, 2022 at 10:06 pm
Awwww AJ its all good! Glad to see a post from you and hope things settle down soon!
April 24, 2022 at 12:55 am
Well, cleaned my house, washed my windows, debugged, cleaned the pantry, wondered where the h*** you were.
Thanks for checking in!
April 24, 2022 at 6:33 am
It happens. Sometimes something’s gotta give, and it has to be the blog. Take care.
April 24, 2022 at 9:29 am
Hi Anita, welcome back! I did read some of your posts, but couldn’t respond because everything had closed comments – perhaps so you didn’t have to come back to a pile of comments?
Anyway, looking forward to reading some more from you!
April 24, 2022 at 9:44 am
I was having all kinds of trouble with your RSS feed, but it seems to be back to normal.Welcome back!
May 2, 2022 at 11:38 am
Oh, my. Tried to make a comeback and I missed it. Sorry, sweetie.
Hope things are doing okay downunder, I know it is coming on winter down there, but humans don’t hibernate, even if we really want to.
May 3, 2022 at 9:18 am
I can completely relate. I don’t know what happened to April. 4 weeks seem to have been condensed into 2! And now it’s May, and I’m still behind on everything. Hang in there!