Back… & back-up

And hopefully will stay back. I do still need to get the keyboard replaced (I have a laptop), but as we’ve gone into lockdown, who knows when that will happen. Luckily I am using a bluetooth keyboard so I can get back online.

I have factory reset my computer, reinstalled *everything*, reloaded software and all those little things you need to do to get a computer back to normal.

Of course, when this sort of thing happens, it makes me very relieved I have a real-time cloud back-up as well as external hard-drive back-ups. As far as I can tell, I haven’t lost a thing except hair and time 😉

There are still a few things I’m tweaking (as I go to do something and realise I don’t have it uploaded or registered or whatever), but hopefully the keyboard issue won’t be too problematic and I won’t have to disappear again.

I mentioned we’re in lockdown, but I will update you on life in Oz in my next post. For now I want to leave you with one thing…

How to buy the best backup software for your needs | CHOICE

11 comments on “Back… & back-up

  1. Giggling Fattie

    August 16, 2021 at 9:13 pm

    Oh my goodness!! I had wondered what you were and I’m glad that you’re ok! And glad that you’re back online! I have missed you!

    I should do a backup of my own files…I have an external hard drive which I have packed and unpacked now, and each time I see it I think “oh yeah I should do that” haha maybe today!

  2. Computers and COVID–they both make me so tired.

  3. Ah, the joy of suddenly having to spend ten hours of “free time” just to get back to normal.

    Glad you are back and backed up.

    • Gosh yes. At least ten hours. I feel every spare moment I’ve had has either been spent getting the computer working or loading everything back up and catching up!

  4. Ah yes, computer issues. Glad to hear you got it sorted, at least for now. You only have to lose everything once to get very careful about backing everything up.

  5. Great to see you! I’m happy about your online back up 😉 I do, too!

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