I’ve been in strict lockdown now for 6.5 weeks. For most people, that has meant loads of extra time… for me it’s meant no time. I have been crazy busy over lockdown. It started with having to cover extra shifts at work for those in quarantine and from there I got way behind with everything…
Today is the first day of Spring in Australia. If I could do cartwheels without killing myself I would. We don’t use the equinox in Australia to herald the change of seasons. Instead, the seasons change on the 1st day of September (spring), December (summer), March (autumn) and June (winter). The reason is twofold… the…
Be a Ken Behren
After over a year without a local covid case, Canberra (the Australian Capital Territory) is in covid lockdown. On Thursday the 12th August the “when it happens” (which we’d all been walking around saying for months), happened. We had our first positive covid case. 4 hours later we were in strict lockdown (and still are).…
Back… & back-up
And hopefully will stay back. I do still need to get the keyboard replaced (I have a laptop), but as we’ve gone into lockdown, who knows when that will happen. Luckily I am using a bluetooth keyboard so I can get back online. I have factory reset my computer, reinstalled *everything*, reloaded software and all…
Dead computer
My computer is in a cycle of: start…blue screen of death… auto restart… blue screen of death…ad infinitum. You get the idea. I hate typing on my phone as I am at the moment, so will be absent until I get tech support to resuscitate my laptop. I hope I’m not gone for long!