My current printer is approximately 10 years old. It’s an HP and has been a great little printer. It’s wireless (which I love), prints A4 in colour and B&W and has a scanner. At the time when I bought it, I’m sure it was fast, but compared to most printers now it is very slow.…
My happy playlist
I’ve been trying to find playlists to listen to on YouTube, but unless I am listening to a specific artist, the mixes just don’t work for me, and YouTube’s “personal mix” for me is a bit hit and miss. To solve the problem I decided to make my own playlist. It’s a work in progress…
Douglas Adams + Australia
I can’t find the original source, but this is reportedly how Douglas Adams, the author of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, viewed Australia and Australians: “Australia is a very confusing place, taking up a large amount of the bottom half of the planet. It is recognizable from orbit because of many unusual features, including what…
ACT Border closed to the Grinch
In September 2019, Australia started to burn. Where I live we had 4 months of hot, windy, smoke-filled skies with fire warnings keeping us attached to our phones. Then we had a serious hail storm (take the more than 20,000 cars written off as an indicator). Then covid19. It’s been a year to forget. To…
In 2020 I’m answering a list of 52 journal questions. Read about it here. What was the last thing you celebrated?When you ask people this question they usually think of the big things…birthdays, promotions, anniversaries. But there are so many little things I celebrate and I often think those are just as important. On that…