Many years ago (when I was on blogger) I recorded all the books I read each year (from memory, I sat around 140ish on average I think – can’t imagine I read that much now my free time is much less). That information is long gone, but I thought I might start it up again.…
Posts Tagged with reading
A to Z flood
Well, it’s been two and a half months since I have posted. Oops. Life has been very busy this year. Much more so than I expected. I keep thinking of things I want to post, but I just haven’t had the time to sit and write the posts. I’m not going to promise anything for…
#ownvoices is moving on
Like everything in life, when something becomes more mainstream, people start using it as a marketing ploy. The same thing has happened to the #ownvoices movement in the publishing industry: We Need Diverse Books announced that it will no longer refer to books using the term #OwnVoices. Instead, they will use “specific descriptions that authors…
Uniquely themed book shop
It doesn’t matter where in the world you are, you can walk into a book store, cast your eye over the aisle labels and head for the book in the genre you are after, right? Well, that was true until recently. Rather than the tried and true categorisation by genre method, a new book shop…
Library goes above and beyond
Regional libraries in the Yarra, in Victoria, have been ringing every member over the age of 70 – all 8,000 of them! According to the staff, the library is a hub for the community and with the closure due to lockdown, it separated many people, especially the elderly. They rang to say hi, ask if…