Tick Tock I HATE the clock

Yesterday 5 of the states and territories of Australia moved their clocks forward an hour to start summer daylight savings…for the next 6 months!

I HATE daylight savings and I live in one of those places that has it. I’m a morning person and I am a warm weather person, so the thing I love in these warmer days is getting up with the sun and getting things done (especially before the rest of the household gets up).

The trouble is, I awake with the sun, so now I am waking at 6.30 and not 5.30. I lose an hour of my productive time.

I really don’t see the point as we have a lot of daylight hours without the change in clock. If anything, it would make more sense to have it in winter so there is some daylight at the end of the working day instead of travelling in both directions in the dark.

Image by Gabe Raggio from Pixabay

What about you, do you have daylight savings where you live? For it or against?

6 comments on “Tick Tock I HATE the clock

  1. Yup, we have it. Ours ends November 1st. I take the “it is what it is” approach, and I don’t care much. Which is funny, as everyone around me seems to have an opinion.

    • You’re lucky. I think people who have an opinion must be affected one way or another. If you are meh, than it probably doesn’t impact your day to day too much which is great!

  2. I don’t love it, either. It doesn’t matter if we’re springing forward or falling back, the adjustment always makes me tired!

    • Me too, Jenny! I now have to set an alarm again to get up on time. I much prefer being able to wake without an alarm. Grrr.

  3. I love having the extra time at the end of the day. I never saw my home in daylight when I was working. If you have to go out to work you end up going out in the dark anyway. This time of year I can go for a walk in the early evening, when it’s fine, or spend more time on the beach, knowing the sun will not go down on me. Sorry, Anita, I can see why it doesn’t suit you, but it suits me.

    • Lol, I guess I think, the sun doesn’t set until after 8pm for much of summer, you’ll be home by then anyway *grin*. But, that’s what makes the world, and friends, wonderful; we all have different opinions. Makes things much more interesting 🙂

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