To be content

In 2020 I’m answering a list of 52 journal questions. Read about it here.

What do you need to be content?
I don’t need a lot to be content…enough money to pay the bills and a little left over, my family happy and healthy, a roof over our heads.

If you have those things, you have everything, really.

What do you need to be content?

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

8 comments on “To be content

  1. Giggling Fattie

    October 2, 2020 at 9:54 pm

    Exactly! And maybe some good nail polish 😂

  2. Sounds like a good list.

  3. Yes, those are all important and wonderful things! I would also add quiet time to my list.

    • Quiet time…what’s that? I figure the Barbarians will have to leave home one day. Then I will hopefully rediscover the wonders of quiet time.

  4. As you say – enough to pay the bills, including emergencies, such as when you suddenly need a plumber to replace the burst water heater, and a bit more for times when I need to spoil myself. You can only eat so much, wear one set of clothes at once. And my health. Friends, of course, go without saying.

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