My apologies. It would seem gremlins got into my website and mischievously posted a blog post without leaving any trace at my end. I have a post titled “Gliding” which is scheduled for later this month. However, this morning I had some email notifications telling me I had a number of comments on the post.…
The Bartholomew Cubbins To-do List
Every time I cross off an item on my to-do list another, bigger and badder than the first, appears at the bottom. I’ve finally worked out what’s happening! My to-do list has been infected by the same spell that magicked Bartholomew Cubbins. Maybe one day I’ll cross off that magic 500th thing and… nothing. No…
The Cell Song
At school last week Jeckle (my youngest Barbarian) started learning about cells. He’s really enjoying it and we’ve had some great discussions about cells, how they work, types of cells etc. As part of our discussions I told him that at some point he’d learn about the parts of cells and how they work. We…
Dust storm
A week or to ago, Canberra was hit with a dust storm. It came in really quickly – at least the visible dust did. My eyes started reacting before I could see anything. It coated everything in a thick red layer – carried in with strong winds (up to 90km/hr or 56 miles/hr) from the…
Staying creative
Jacqui Murray (on her Wordreams blog here) recently posed the question “Am I creative?”. She was asking what you did to be creative outside of writing time. The responses were interesting, both in terms of who was creative in other ways, but also in terms of what people categorised as creative activities. My response really…