9 comments on “So you want to write a novel…

  1. Thanks for the laugh, AJ! The video is hysterically funny, mostly because all writers have heard non-writers spin these elaborate tales of fame and fortune. And maybe, occasionally, we’ve even entertained a wish that some of the nonsense could actually be true. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have agents fighting to represent you!
    Have a great weekend.

    • Glad you enjoyed it, Karen. I hope you’re enjoying your weekend (long weekend here so today is a public holiday).

  2. Oops, sneaking in blog reading in class. (I only have two students–it’s senior ditch day.) I’ll have to check back later…

    • Hah, wouldn’t the students get in trouble for that? We don’t have senior ditch day here. I’ve always wondered if the teachers encourage it 😉

  3. This is GOLD! One of the best things uve seen in a long time. THANK YOU.

  4. This is brilliant! I’ve definitely met someone like this.

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