Another ending to celebrate

As this posts to my blog, I will be coming to the end of my very last ever P&C meeting (parents and community). At every step of the Barbarians schooling (and pre-schooling) I have been a parent volunteer at the P&C and held various roles, including president for the last four years (having stepped down a couple of months ago at the last AGM).

Next year Jeckle is changing schools (Heckle is already there) and, while I think the P&C has a really important role to play, the new school doesn’t have one. This means, after sixteen years, I am finally at the end. There may be some happy dancing happening.

Have you ever been relieved when something has finished? I am more excited than I realised I would be!

10 comments on “Another ending to celebrate

  1. Ooooo wow that is a dedicated parent to be on the committee for so long! Congratulations on finishing your time on it! And enjoy some much needed unwinding xoxo

    • It’s been a long slog! Not the same committee all that time though – 4 different schools. I look forward to unwinding, but there is still a school fundraiser I am helping with, lol.

  2. I like your pj’s.

    • Haha. My pj’s aren’t quite as cool as the ones pictured. But they are toasty warm and that’s what matters!

  3. I feel a burst of pride with each project I finish. Then it is time to move on, or the world will move on without you.

    Change is the only thing that stays the same, so walk those changes proudly and celebrate your path.

    • And the last two years have brought so many changes you either have to learn to embrace change or you are really going to find yourself in a world of pain. This is one change I am looking forward to, though.

  4. It’s a new chapter in your life. Your kiddos are growing up.

  5. You have done your bit, time to relax now! 🙂

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