Turns out, penguins can leave any daytime soap opera for dead when it comes to relationships – the ones locked up at Kyoto Aquarium, anyway. Back in July, a Kyoto-based researcher, Oliver Jia, posted about the penguin shenanigans, saying the penguins are “known to be vicious animals who cheat on their partners and steal other’s…
A very Aussie word of the year
It’s that time again, when highlights of the year-that-was start to appear. Not that anyone really needs to be reminded about 2020 (or probably wants to remember!). It should be no surprise then, that the Aussie word of the year is covid related. Our word is… *drum roll* …ISO. In typical Aussie style we have…
Tis the season to be silly
I’m not sure if others around the world call the lead up to Christmas the “silly season” like we do in Oz, but the moniker certainly applies. Life just gets uber crazy and I’m starting to feel the effects (it is only 38 days until Christmas after all). I guess in Australia, not only is…
Tech torture
Last week my computer began playing up. It seemed to randomly shut down and restart, it didn’t type the first letter when I started typing, it would cycle through tabs, open and close things and a whole series of other randoms. Basically drove me crazy. I tried everything I could think of… virus scans, shut…
My weird things
In 2020 I’m answering a list of 52 journal questions. Read about it here. Write down five weird things you like.I’m pretty weird anyway, so my normal is quite likely weird for everyone else, but I’ll give this a shot. Cheese and jam sandwiches (plum jam is the best). Creepy crawlies (spiders, snakes, frogs, insects,…