Have you heard of death roads? I hadn’t until my dad sent me some photos of this one in Colombia. One look and you’ll understand where the name came from. This one is Trampolin de la Muerte – a route between Mocoa and Pasto. It’s about 65km (35 miles) along rocky road that will lead…
Favourite song to sing
In 2020 I’m answering a list of 52 journal questions. Read about it here. What is your favourite song to sing?You can’t hear my singing voice which is something you should all be eternally grateful for. I can get my clarinet in tune but my voice, nope. It’s frustrating because I can hear how flat…
When I grow up…
I want to be a football referee??? If you haven’t already heard about it, Britain’s National Career Service has an assessment you can do to discover what careers your skills might suit. Not unusual, there are hundreds of these (the Australian government has one as well). What is unusual is that this one is so…
Earliest memory
In 2020 I’m answering a list of 52 journal questions. Read about it here. Share one of your earliest memories.I have a pretty good memory (although time is starting to fog it a little). One of my earliest memories is sitting on the enclosed verandah on the floor with one of my brothers. The other…
Across the border
Regular readers will know that last week the Barbarians and I got to fly to Queensland to visit the GGs (grandparents) because the borders between their state and our territory finally opened. Not being sure how long they will stay open we bolted while we could. It was only a short visit, but it was…