A surfboard lost in Tasmania in 2017 has been found in northern Queensland (it was actually found in 2018, but it has only now its made its way back to its original owner). The owner lost it when taking on a 16 metre (52 foot) wave off the south of Tasmania. Apparently he joked it…
Operation Kangaroo
Upfront I need to say I’m an environmental scientist. I need to say that because from what I’ve heard, the things I’m about to say will upset some people, so I want to be clear I am coming from a professional perspective. Operation Kangaroo is an educational campaign being run by the Australian Government in…
Two-way waterfall
Described by David Attenborough as “one of the greatest natural wonders of the world” this unusual natural phenomenon in Western Australia is a waterfall that falls in two directions. The aptly named Horizontal Waterfall is formed… when water pours horizontally through two narrow gorges, about 300 metres (980 ft) apart […] The falls occur after water…
Dead in 90 seconds
Australian scientists have developed a disinfectant that kills covid in 90 seconds. When I heard the news, I wasn’t sure what the big deal was, until I read the article and discovered that when you disinfect your hands with sanitiser, and use anti-bacterial wipes and sprays to clean high touch surfaces, it takes as long…
Pizza toppings
I always find the international differences on simple things fascinating. The most recent one I was thinking about was pizza. A thousand years ago I was in the US and went to a pizza place for dinner. I ordered my pizza along with the toppings I wanted, a fairly standard Supreme pizza by Aussie standards.…