I really enjoy clever, funny advertisements (I’ve posted clever ads before here and here). This one cracked me up. It appears to be from about 5 years ago, but the topic is still relevant today. What do you think of it?
The wisdom of kids
A teacher who works with young kids shared some of the quotes she’s heard online. I thought there were a couple worth repeating: Happiness doesn’t come from trying to be happy. It comes from focusing on other people’s happiness (3rd grader) There are no barriers in our minds – we can think of anything (3rd…
It’s getting late in the year, nearing the end of the school year and summer holidays and Christmas is approaching. So life is getting crazy busy. I’m getting weary and am ready for the year to end. It also means it’s much easier to find myself procrastinating instead of writing (or doing one of the…
Call off Christmas
I want to share a favourite movie line by a favourite actor. I haven’t thought about this line for years, but the concert band I am in is looking for new music to play, I thought of the theme music to this movie and… well, you can see how I got here. Anyway, the movie…