
Not sure what happened last week. For about four days I was wiped. Totally sloth like in my energy levels. I’m not sure why?

With Australia heading into winter, last week I did follow government medical advice and headed in for my flu shot. The shot itself was a piece of cake, but it was the few days afterwards I was wiped. To be honest, it’s probably not this (the Barbarians had their shots and they were fine), but I don’t have any other explanation.

And that’s quite truthful – I didn’t indulge at Easter this year, so no sugar coma for me, lol.

Feeling much better now, thank goodness.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

13 comments on “Slump

  1. Giggling Fattie

    April 20, 2020 at 9:20 pm

    I think it might have been the flu shot! I was sluggish for a few days after mine as well!

    Honestly any little tiny symptom outside of my normal has me filled with anxiety “corona is that you?!” Lol I’m glad you’re feeling better!!

    • Interesting to hear you were sluggish as well. I wonder if they are the same flu shot though (I imagine you had yours last year). They “rework” the flu shot contents between northern and wouthern winters to take into account any mutations etc.

  2. I always get a very sore arm from the flu shot. I can’t remember if if it makes me feel tough, but I have heard that it happens to others. Glad to read you’re feeling better again.


  3. I never get a flue shot, nor the flu. I have learned from my RA that every med has nasty side effects so I avoid where I can. Glad you’re feeling better.

    • Jacqui, I avoid medication as much as possible, however I am asthmatic so need to protect myself from the flu. I’ve been getting the flu shot for years, but this is the first time I’ve had any sort of reaction other than a sore arm. It works though…a couple of years ago The Hub and Barbarians all got the flu and I didn’t 🙂 (they get the flu shot now as well).

  4. I got my first ever flu shot this year and didn’t have a problem. But the tetanus shot I got a couple of years ago knocked me for a loop for a few days. I’m glad you’re feeling better!

    • Ugh, tetanus is awful, Jenny. I think I am still a few years away from needing a booster shot, thank goodness!

  5. Giggling Fattie

    April 21, 2020 at 9:08 am

    oooo very interesting!

    It was the first time I got it in about 20 years so that could have added to my sluggishness lol

  6. I get that exhausted sometimes. You could blame the generalized anxiety over the dread virus. It’s amazing how much energy that really does suck out of us.

    • Yeah, it’s possible it was just one of those things. Lucky for me, I do know it isn’t anxiety over covid. For some reason, it hasn’t freaked me out.

  7. I’ve been exhausted too, Anita. No flu shot, just life as an almost 50 yr old woman and all that entails! The last bought of no energy led to me in bed for 2 days with horrible sinus pain followed by a migraine. Back up and at ’em today – although, because I spent the last 2 days in bed, I spent most of today doing all the housework and shopping etc that hadn’t been done by the rest of the family in the last few days, so no writing done today again!
    Tomorrow I will get up early and try to get stuck in. My brain is exploding with the need to write the next bit of the WIP. Hope you get to some writing soon and glad you’re feeling so much better.

    • (((hugs))) Leisl. I hope you are feeling better today and managed to get up and get words down before the rest of your family demanded your time. xx

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