Today is the 1st of March…and that makes it the first day of autumn. We’ve had such a cool (and overcast) summer, that I am struggling with the idea we are now in autumn. I mean, I’m not a fan of the cold anyway (as regular readers of my blog would know), but usually we…
Posts Tagged with weather
Hot or cold?
Early Thursday morning I’m flying interstate to visit a dear friend who has been going through a tough time of late. We’ve had a few covid outbreaks recently, so it’s been a fingers crossed process over the last few days but it looks like I am going to be able to go (my flight is…
Favourite websites
In 2021 I’m answering a list of weekly journal questions. Read about it here. Post about your five favourite websites.There are quite a few websites I visit regularly, and as I don’t know how to find statistics on the ones I visit the most, I’m taking a bit of a stab…and grouping them a little.…
It rained on the weekend and we had puddles! It probably seems funny to get excited by puddles, but after years of el nino drought (which is why Australia burnt so well last summer) it is delightful to have a la nina spring and to see enough rain fall to make puddles. I can’t remember…