My favourite social media (after my blog) is Instagram. I love photos and am definitely a visual person. I started to get into it a year or so ago, but never quite got into the habit and it’s been sporadic since. Now that I have a new camera (a point and shoot, but a much better camera than my phone) I really want to start posting regularly.
The problem is finding time. I think I’ll have to find a program that lets me schedule posts, otherwise I’ll never succeed. I thought about using Hootsuite. Feedback? Alternatives? What do you find works best for you?
Do you like Instagram? I’ve heard it is becoming the more popular social media of choice. No idea if that is true or not. I just like the photos and the fact it really doesn’t seem to be the negative space that others, like twitter, seem to have become.
If you are interested in following me I use the same username everywhere: @aussiecozy I promise to start posting more often and hopefully my posts (usually mostly of sights around my home town, architecture, art, the bush and wildlife – I’m not much of a selfie person) will be worth a look.
Have you got any favourite Instagrammers you’d recommend? And let me know your handle so I can check out your posts.

March 27, 2019 at 9:54 pm
I like Instagram for the same reasons you do, AJ. A blessed relief from negativity, if you skip the comments that is. I follow my friends, a lot of bands and visual artists , local businesses, and nature/travel photographers. I’m @widowbadass.
March 27, 2019 at 10:06 pm
Love your photos on your blog, Deb (I’ve just found you). I don’t really read the comments on Insta, I just look at the pics (and then read comments if I want to know where the photo was taken).
March 27, 2019 at 10:53 pm
I use Instagram!! But for my own personal private use. I’ve added you btw haha it’s my real name which I hope you remember! I post lots of nail pictures and things I do with my kids. I keep it private because sometimes my kids faces are there and they don’t give permission for the whole world to see them. Just my small group of friends haha!!
March 27, 2019 at 10:55 pm
it’s basically opposite to my blog though: I my blog there’s no name or pictures but everything personal and vulnerable. On my Instagram it’s name and selfies and no real personal things
March 28, 2019 at 5:25 pm
Yup, I remember the real you, GF =) Followed you back.
March 27, 2019 at 11:38 pm
I don’t have Instagram or Facebook, sorry! My sister has a private Instagram so as to share photos with the family and keeps trying to persuade me to join, but I already have enough on my plate!
March 28, 2019 at 5:26 pm
I totally hear you, Sue. It’s why I’ve decided (after trying out a few different social media options) that I like Instagram the best. I will keep my other accounts, but this is going to be the one I update the most often (apart from my blog).
March 28, 2019 at 2:45 am
I have Buffer to help schedule social media posts, but I haven’t used it in months. Mostly I post signs I see in classrooms, although ideally I post my knitting/crochet projects in progress.
It turns out I am already following you on Instagram. I have no idea if you’re following me already. I’m at @ZiziRho.
March 28, 2019 at 5:27 pm
I was already following you, Liz. I always like looking at your projects (usually in awe).
March 28, 2019 at 10:27 pm
Fantabulous! I love when blog friends branch into off-site friends haha
April 1, 2019 at 1:46 am
Nice to meet you, AJ! 🙂 I followed your link from Tamara’s (Hockey Mom) latest post and have been browsing your site. Australia is on the bucket list, and I hope we get there one day. Your books sound interesting! Will check them out, as well.
As an avid amateur photographer, Instagram has surpassed blogging as my favourite online activity. Since ramping it up a couple of years ago, I’ve learned so much from the pros on there and participate in daily photo prompts. Three excellent photography groups are JJ Community, Gram Of The Day and Raw Community. My husband and I have travelled extensively in the last few years, and most of my photos are about that, along with the dogs I care for and the concerts we have attended. I followed your Instagram account. Cheers!
April 1, 2019 at 3:25 pm
Hi, Debbie *waving*. There’s lots to see and do Down Under so I hope you get here. I’ll track you down on Insta (and thanks for the tips).
I wish you could check out my books, but I’m not published yet – if you can hold that thought a wee bit longer…
April 1, 2019 at 9:01 am
I’ll check you out on IG. I love it and am there as @easyreaderediting for my biz and as @datmama4 for my personal. The personal one isn’t private, and I don’t post as often there, but I didn’t want to clog my personal feed with editing business stuff, since I post on the Easy Reader account about 5x/week.
I use Hootsuite (the free version) for scheduling Facebook and Twitter with my blog and images, and I use Later to scheduling my Insta feed. It won’t post the Instagram for you (no app will do that, to my knowledge), but I can write what I want at my leisure and I get a notification on my phone when it’s time for a scheduled post to go live. I really like both schedulers as far as ease of use and reliability.
April 1, 2019 at 3:05 pm
Awesome, I’ll look you up, Lynda. And thanks for the rec for Later. I have seen it mentioned but hadn’t found anyone who’d used it before. It’s a shame you can’t schedule on insta. Wonder why?