Happy New Year

2 years ago we greeted NYE of 2020 vowing “this will be our year”. At NYE 2021 we thought for sure and for certain things would be getting back to normal soon. This year, for NYE 2022 there’s deathly silence with a hint of uncertainty. I’d like to think there are better things on the horizon for us all, but before I step into 2022 I have to agree to the terms and conditions 😉

I wish you all a Happy New Year and hope 2022 brings a year of good health and happiness.

New Year Celebration GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals

12 comments on “Happy New Year

  1. Giggling Fattie

    January 1, 2022 at 12:56 am

    Happy New Year AJ!

  2. Wishing you a peaceful and fulfilling new year. The best of health to you!

  3. All true. To you to, Anita!

  4. Happy New Year. When you read this, you’ll already be in 2022, but it’s not quite noon on New Year’s Eve for me. Let me know how it looks from the other side.

    • So far so good. We’ve taken tentative steps being careful not to touch anything – who knows what will set things off, lol. Actually, it’s a lovely day and we’re about to go on a picnic at a local creek and take Ludo for his very first swim. Hopefully it goes well so I can blog about it this week!

  5. Happy New Year, I wish the best of it to you and your family.

    It is almost here and the natives have been restless since the sun went down. I hope they too are hoping for an end to this tunnel of crap we have had to maneuver for the past few years, but you never know about the neanderthal types that have been showing up of late.

    • Everyone here is wanting an end, but most seem resigned to it probably not ending. I’ll blog about this later in the week, but Australia’s moved to our next stage of their covid strategy – fingers crossed it works because there might be a chance it will let life go back to normal.

      Hope you had a great night, BF.

  6. I’m not sure I know what normal is anymore!

    Wishing you all the best in 2022!

    • Normal is a long distant memory, lol. I hope 2022 brings you a lovely dose of normal, Jenny.

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